An online course that will help you discover the secrets to doing life better

ABOUT MARRIAGE CAPSULE: Marriage Capsule is an online, interactive Marriage Course that is unlike any course you have ever seen! Take a journey of discover as you navigate through 7 levels. Find out: Is marriage worth it? What is my temperament, what is my partner’s temperament? What is a woman’s biggest need? What is a man’s biggest need? How can we communicate effectively? How can we spice things up in the bedroom again? Which plans can we follow to make sure that our marriage lasts?

For a detailed description of Marriage Capsule, CLICK HERE.

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The only temperament test developed exclusively for Couples!

ABOUT THE LOFS TEMPERAMENT TEST: LOFS is an Acronym for LAKE OCEAN FOUNTAIN SNOW – 4 different temperament types that have a massive influence on the way that you do life. The LOFS Temperament Test is the only Temperament Test developed exclusively for couples! Find out if you’re a Lake, Ocean, Fountain or Snow… and what does that mean? Discover how the different temperaments communicate. Discover what the different temperaments enjoy in the bedroom. This temperament test is a game changer for couples!

For a detailed description of the LOFS Temperament Test, CLICK HERE.

Buy The LOFS Temperament Test
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Buy The LOFS Temperament Test
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Book a Skype session with our Marriage Coach, Peter Edgar

MEET PETER EDGAR: More than 30 years of experience within the relationship field, has  placed Peter in the perfect position  to  make a difference  to peoples marriages! As a lot of Peter’s work  is  international, he uses the Skype platform  to  interact  and work with couples. Each session is 1 hour long, is live, and fully interactive.

For more info on Peter Edgar, CLICK HERE:

Buy Sessions with Peter Edgar
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