Congratulations on completing the LOFS Temperament Questionnaire! Getting to know yourself and your partner is one of the most important things you can do. Understanding, embracing, appreciating and accepting who you are and who you partner is, will truly be a game changer for you as a couple. Below you will find more info on your MAIN and SECONDARY temperaments. Spend some time reading through it (with your partner!).
What to do:
1. Choose your main, secondary and combination temperament from the dropdown menus below.
2. Your combination temperament is determined by the main temperament first, followed by the secondary temperament. If, for example, your main temperament is Fountain and your secondary temperament is Ocean, you are a FountainOcean. Or, if your main temperament is Lake and your secondary temperament is Snow, you are a LakeSnow.
3. If your main and secondary temperament have the same scores, make sure to view both combinations options (for example, if Ocean and Fountain both scored 23 points, your combination will be FountainOcean or OceanFountain).
4. If you have 2 equal values for a secondary temperament, (for example 23 for Snow, 20 for Ocean and 20 for Lake), make sure to view your combination temperament, using both secondary temperament options. In this example, you will be a SnowOcean or a SnowLake. Read both.
5. If your top 3 scores are equal, (for example 20 for Snow, 20 for Ocean and 20 for Fountain), you can view all the combinations - SnowOcean, SnowFountain, OceanSnow, OceanFountain, FountainSnow, FountainOcean. This will happen in very rare cases.