What you will learn in each level:
The “secret sauce” behind Marriage Capsule is the 7 levels. Each level will take you on a unique journey of discovery on a very specific and relevant topic matter.
These 7 levels encapsulate the 7 things your marriage NEED every day! Fall back in love with your marriage as you rediscover your Why, your What and your How…
Level 1 – Is marriage worth it?
- Discover your ‘why’. Is your marriage worth it?
- The Commitment Challenge
- How to start finding joy and satisfaction in your marriage
- 6 Reasons why marriage is a good idea for you
- The formula for successful relationships
- Stop believing lies and uncover myths and truths in marriage
- Exclusive: Your own EXPECTATION MANAGER!
- How to deal with the past
- Create your own Vision Statement! (printables)
Level 2 – LOFS Temperaments
- Making sense of you, me and life together
- What are temperaments all about
- Is there an ideal temperament I need to have?
- Uncover your own temperament: Ocean, Lake, Snow or Fountain
- Get to know your partner’s temperament and understand them better
- See what life at home looks like with each temperament
- Learn how to cope with your differences and do life together
- Discover the 5 rules to coping better with marriage stressors
- Your temperament in communication will be revealed in Level 5
- Your temperament in sex will be revealed in Level 6
Level 3 – A man’s biggest need – Respect him
- This level is for the ladies only
- Find the way to your man’s heart
- The Crazy Cycle
- Quiz: Do you respect your husband?
- Understand why respecting your man is crucial
- Learn how he wants to feel and experience your respect
- Practical ideas and inspiration to making him your superhero
Level 4 – A woman’s biggest need – Love her
- This level is for men only
- Happy wife, happy life! Easier said than done. Find out how to achieve this.
- There are millions of things your wife wants, but one thing she really needs. Find out what that one thing is.
- Are you a superhero? Take our test!
- Your wife’s 6 love-needs
- 5 Easy and practical ways you can show and express love
- Become a pro – next level tips
Level 5 – The art of communication
- Your LOFS profile in communication. How does an Ocean, a Lake, a Fountain and a Snow communicate?
- Why communication skills are important
- Learning the art of everyday conversations
- Tools for sparking up new conversations
- How to tackle difficult conversation topics
- 7 Communication killers
- Exclusive: How to create your own “SAFE SPACE COMMUNICATION CAPSULE” (printable)
Level 6 – Good sex matters
- You and your partners’ LOFS profiles in sex! What kind of a lover is an Ocean, a Lake, a Fountain and a Snow?
- Insights from a Sexologists’ couch
- Common sexual problems
- Interesting sex facts
- For her: How to boost your orgasm!
- For him: How to boost your orgasm!
- Kick-starting the fun – 3 Activities (printables)
Level 7 – Designing a great marriage
- All you need to design a great marriage
- Quick quiz: Does your marriage need a creative boost?
- How to make your marriage more fun
- Practical plans to create an exciting marriage (printables)
- How to find more “us”-time
- What you are going through is normal! Insights to understand the different stages of marriage
- 7 Everyday love habits (printable)
- Prayer plan for your marriage (printable)
A couple of Success Stories:
Marriage capsule changed my marriage

Initially only I wanted to do this course, my husband did not think we needed the help. Even though we fought most of the time, he thought we would work through it. I read article after article trying to find what was missing in our marriage and nothing worked. No amount of communication or sex.… Read more “Marriage capsule changed my marriage”
More love and respect for each other

We are married almost 20 years. But Marriage Capsule learn us alot of more love and respect. We where bless by some one to do Marriage Capsule and I will definitely tell married couples of this method. We definitely will communicate more and listen when are not the talker. We thank God that He keep… Read more “More love and respect for each other”

Absoluut verrykend en insigewend. Ons was op ‘n moeilike plek in ons huwelik met baie konflik situasies. Hierdie kursus het ons gehelp om mekaar van vooraf te waardeer en ook moeite met ons huwelik te doen.
Fulfilled in Love

We enjoyed the marriage capsule course and made us realize we are perfect for each other
A must for every Relationship

After 25 years of marriage we went through a very dark time in our marriage this year in December/January, we separated and ultimately got divorced. Through God’s grace we found our way back to each other. After we decided to get back together to work on our relationship and put each other first, we knew… Read more “A must for every Relationship”